Vicente Guerrero, BC - #295
Make: ID Designs Model: ID Designs Engine: Turn Key engines Engine Builder: Turn Key engines Chassis: ID Designs Transmission: Rancho Drivetrain Engineering
William Hendrick Jr took the first place for the Trophy Spec class at the 2018 SCORE San Felipe 250. Check out the highlights!
Newen Paneles Solares., Muebles Lizbeth, King Shocks, OCLA Concretos, Rodriguez Comunicaciones, World Water Inc,
#56 Overall and #12 in Trophy Truck Spec
#14 Overall and #4 in Trophy Truck Spec
DNF in Trophy Truck Spec
DNF in Trophy Truck Spec
#34 Overall and #6 in Trophy Truck Spec
#73 Overall and #12 in Trophy Truck Spec
#38 Overall and #5 in Trophy Truck Spec
#7 Overall and #1 in Trophy Truck Spec
#76 Overall and #6 in Trophy Truck Spec
#22 Overall and #1 in Trophy Truck Spec
#23 Overall and #4 in Trophy Truck Spec